Vps Agreement Study Leave

VPS Agreement Study Leave: What You Need to Know

For those working in the Victorian Public Service (VPS), the prospect of taking study leave may seem daunting. However, with the VPS Agreement Study Leave policy in place, it`s important to know what options are available to you and how you can make the most of this benefit.

Firstly, it`s important to note that study leave is available to all ongoing and fixed-term employees who have completed their probationary period. The VPS Agreement Study Leave policy allows for up to 20 days of paid study leave per annum, which can be taken as a block or spread out throughout the year.

To be eligible for study leave, your course of study must be directly related to your current role or to a potential future role within the VPS. This means that you`ll need to be able to demonstrate how your chosen course of study will enhance your existing skills or help you to develop new ones.

It`s also worth noting that the VPS Agreement Study Leave policy only covers the cost of course fees. Any additional costs, such as travel or accommodation, will need to be covered by the employee.

To apply for study leave, you`ll need to submit a written request to your manager outlining the reasons for your leave and detailing the course you wish to undertake. Your manager will then review your application and assess whether it meets the criteria outlined in the VPS Agreement Study Leave policy.

Once your application has been approved, you`ll be able to take your study leave and attend your chosen course. It`s important to note that you`ll need to provide evidence of your attendance and successful completion of the course in order to ensure that your study leave is paid.

So, what are the benefits of taking study leave? Firstly, it allows you to enhance your skills and knowledge, which can make you a more valuable employee. It can also help you to progress in your career, as developing new skills and knowledge can make you eligible for new and more challenging roles within the VPS.

Overall, the VPS Agreement Study Leave policy is a valuable benefit available to all eligible VPS employees. By taking advantage of this benefit, you can enhance your skills and knowledge, progress in your career, and become a more valuable employee. So why not take the first step and start planning your next course of study today?