Telkom Contract Cancellation Fee 2021

Telkom is a South African telecommunications company that provides a range of services, including fixed-line telephone, mobile, and internet services. Like many service providers, Telkom requires its customers to sign contracts when they sign up for its services. These contracts usually have a minimum term, which can vary depending on the service and the plan.

However, circumstances may arise where a Telkom customer needs to cancel their contract before the end of the minimum term. In such cases, Telkom imposes a cancellation fee, which can be quite steep. In this article, we will explore the Telkom contract cancellation fee for 2021 and what you need to know if you are considering canceling your Telkom contract.

What is the Telkom contract cancellation fee?

The telkom contract cancellation fee 2021 varies depending on the service and the plan you signed up for. Telkom`s cancellation fees for fixed-line services, such as telephone and internet, are calculated based on a percentage of the remaining contract value. For example, if you signed up for a two-year contract and you want to cancel after one year, the cancellation fee would be 50% of the remaining contract value.

For mobile services, such as Telkom`s mobile network, the cancellation fee is calculated based on the number of months remaining in the contract. For example, if you signed up for a two-year contract and you want to cancel after one year, the cancellation fee would be equal to the monthly fee multiplied by the number of months remaining in the contract.

What happens if you don`t pay the cancellation fee?

If you don`t pay the cancellation fee, Telkom can take legal action against you to recover the money owing. This could include taking you to court or engaging the services of debt collectors. In addition, Telkom may also blacklist you, which could affect your credit rating and make it difficult for you to get credit in the future.

What if you have a legitimate reason for canceling your contract?

If you have a legitimate reason for canceling your contract, such as a breach of contract by Telkom or a change in your circumstances that makes it impossible to continue with the contract, you can approach Telkom to discuss a possible waiver of the cancellation fee. However, it is important to note that Telkom is not obligated to waive the fee, and any waivers are at the sole discretion of Telkom.

In conclusion, canceling a Telkom contract before the end of the minimum term can be costly, with cancellation fees calculated based on a percentage of the remaining contract value or the number of months remaining in the contract. If you have a legitimate reason for canceling your contract, you may be able to negotiate a waiver of the fee, but this is not guaranteed. It is important to carefully consider your options and the potential costs before canceling your Telkom contract.