Stamp Duty for Rent Agreement in Jharkhand

Stamp Duty for Rent Agreement in Jharkhand: An Overview

Rent agreements are legal documents that define the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. In India, rent agreements are executed on stamp paper to make them legally valid. The stamp duty is a tax levied on the legal documents to make them legally enforceable. In the state of Jharkhand, stamp duty for rent agreement is levied as per the provisions of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899.

The Stamp Duty Act in Jharkhand

In Jharkhand, the stamp duty for rent agreement is calculated based on the monthly rental amount and the duration of the agreement. According to the Jharkhand Stamp Act, 2011, the stamp duty for rent agreement varies between 1% to 8% of the total rent payable as per the agreement.

The stamp duty for rent agreements in Jharkhand is calculated based on the following formula:

Total Stamp Duty Payable = Monthly Rent * No. of Months in the Agreement * Stamp Duty Rate

For example, if the monthly rent is Rs. 10,000 and the agreement is for 24 months, then the total stamp duty payable would be calculated as follows:

Total Stamp Duty Payable = 10,000 * 24 * 0.5% = Rs. 12,000

Types of Stamp Duty in Jharkhand

In Jharkhand, there are two types of stamp duty applicable for rent agreements:

1. Fixed Duty: This stamp duty rate is fixed for all types of agreements, irrespective of the value of the agreement.

2. Ad-Valorem Duty: This type of stamp duty is calculated based on the rental value of the property and the duration of the agreement.

Documents Required for Stamp Duty Payment

To pay the stamp duty for a rent agreement in Jharkhand, the following documents are required:

1. Original Rent Agreement: The original rent agreement must be submitted for stamp duty payment.

2. Identity Proof of the Landlord: The landlord`s identity proof is required for stamp duty payment.

3. Identity Proof of the Tenant: The tenant`s identity proof is required for stamp duty payment.

4. PAN Card: The PAN card of the landlord and tenant is required for stamp duty payment.


Rent agreements must be executed on stamp paper to make them legally valid in Jharkhand. The stamp duty for rent agreement in Jharkhand is calculated based on the monthly rent amount and the duration of the agreement. The stamp duty rate varies between 1% to 8% of the total rent payable as per the agreement. With the necessary documents in place, landlords and tenants can complete the stamp duty payment process with ease and ensure that their rent agreements are legally binding.