Confidentiality Agreement for Volunteers Template

As a volunteer, you may be required to handle confidential information about an organization or its clients. These could be sensitive documents, personal information, or trade secrets. To ensure that such information is protected, an organization may require you to sign a confidentiality agreement. In this article, we provide a confidentiality agreement for volunteers template you can use to protect yourself and the organization.

What is a Confidentiality Agreement for Volunteers?

A confidentiality agreement for volunteers, also known as a non-disclosure agreement, is a legal contract between a volunteer and an organization. This agreement protects confidential information shared between the two parties. The agreement outlines the type of information that the volunteer may have access to and the terms under which the information is to be kept confidential.

Why is a Confidentiality Agreement for Volunteers Necessary?

A confidentiality agreement for volunteers is necessary to protect valuable information that an organization shares with a volunteer. Volunteers may have access to confidential information while working with the organization. Without an agreement in place, there is a risk that the volunteer may disclose the information to unauthorized people. Such disclosure could put the organization at risk of financial or reputational harm.

What Should a Confidentiality Agreement for Volunteers Contain?

A confidentiality agreement for volunteers should contain the following elements:

– Introduction: This section should contain the names of the parties involved, the date the agreement was signed, and the purpose of the agreement.

– Definition of Confidential Information: This section should define the types of information that are considered confidential. This could include trade secrets, intellectual property, financial information, or personal data.

– Obligations of the Volunteer: This section should outline the obligations of the volunteer to keep the confidential information secure. The volunteer should agree not to reproduce or divulge any confidential information.

– Exclusions: This section should list any information that is not considered confidential. This could include information that is already public knowledge or information that the volunteer already knew before signing the agreement.

– Term of the Agreement: This section should specify the period during which the agreement is in effect. This could be a fixed period or until the volunteer leaves the organization.

– Remedies: This section should outline the remedies available to the organization in case of a breach of the agreement. This could include monetary damages or injunctive relief.

– Governing Law: This section should specify the law that governs the agreement.

– Signatures: The agreement should be signed by the volunteer and a representative of the organization.

Confidentiality Agreement for Volunteers Template

[Organization Name]

[Volunteer Name]


This confidentiality agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date] by and between [Organization Name] (“Organization”) and [Volunteer Name] (“Volunteer”).

The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that may be shared between the Organization and the Volunteer.

Definition of Confidential Information

The Volunteer acknowledges that, during the course of volunteering for the Organization, they may gain access to confidential information. Confidential information includes any information that is not publicly available, including but not limited to:

– Trade secrets

– Intellectual property

– Financial information

– Personal data

Obligations of the Volunteer

The Volunteer agrees to keep all confidential information secure and confidential. Specifically, the Volunteer shall:

– Not reproduce or divulge any confidential information to any unauthorized person

– Safeguard confidential information using the same level of care that they use for their own confidential information

– Return all confidential information to the Organization upon request or upon termination of the volunteer assignment


The Volunteer understands that the following information is not considered confidential:

– Information that is already public knowledge

– Information that the Volunteer already knew before signing this Agreement

Term of the Agreement

This Agreement shall be in effect for the duration of the Volunteer`s assignment with the Organization.


In case of a breach of this Agreement, the Organization may seek monetary damages or injunctive relief.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of [State].


[Volunteer Name]


[Organization Name]

[Representative Name]



A confidentiality agreement for volunteers is an important legal document that protects both an organization and its volunteers. By signing this agreement, volunteers agree to protect confidential information and understand the consequences of disclosing such information. Use the provided template to create a confidentiality agreement for your organization`s volunteers.